GOLDEN TRUTH#1: GOLDEN RATIO shows a relationship of charm.
For most people they regard Lucky numbers as 7 and 9.
Putting two lucky numbers side by side is 79!
That number in a periodic table represents Gold.
79 is the periodic element number of Gold. Au is the chemical symbol.
Gold is often mentioned together with silver.
Silver is number 47 in the periodic table. Symbol is Ag.
<Source: Canva, regarding Golden Ratio explanation>
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Anything that is pleasant and beautiful is said to have the golden ratio.
Periodic Table itself is based on a very amazing story. There were elements which were predicted to exist by the Periodic Table even before it was first discovered.
There is a mysterious relationship between all the elements that exists in the EARTH.
Read the intriguing story of how the elements in the Periodic Table share a very mysterious relationship by purchasing this book and reading online itself:
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Back to the GOLDEN RATIO truth:
Now,a focal point that grows by the golden ratio is called the GOLDEN SPIRAL.
GOLDEN SPIRAL grows by factor of GOLDEN RATIO.
The golden spiral concept is used in modern day design and photography to make the focal point in the centre of the spiral. Superimposing the focal point of a design as the centre of the spiral, creates a very beautiful and appealing charm.
Interestingly, in ancient Vedic knowledge, the all-pervading god is worshipped as Lord Vishnu. The meaning of Vishnu in Sanskrit means pervasive. Lord Vishnu who is all pervasive, has a mark in his chest called Sri-Vatsa.Goddess of fortune is called Sri.Sri Vatsa literally means endearment of Sri. Coincidently the mark which shows the endearment is also said to exist as a SPIRAL.
The growth of the focal point (the source which is the goddess of prosperity: SRI) is viewed as a spiral.
In the oldest prayers to Goddess , called Sri Suktam which is very powerful and sacred, prayer is made to Fire Deity ( called AGNI in Sanskrit ) to call upon the GODDESS who is adorned with gold and silver.
The first stanza of the powerful esoteric Sri Suktam found in the oldest religious text, Rig Veda which is part of the oldest surviving religion Hinduism ( Sanathana Dharma: in sanskrit literally means the Eternal Support ):
Hirannya-Varnnaam Harinniim Suvarnna-Rajata-Srajaam
Candraam Hirannmayiim Laksmim Jaatavedo Ma Aavaha
Hirannya-Varnaam= Golden in Colour
Harinniim= Beautiful
Suvarnna= Gold
Rajata= Silver
Srajaam= Adorned
Candraam= Pleasant
Hirannmayiim= Golden Aura
Laksmim= ( Lakshyam in Sanskrit means goals. One who attained the intended goals can be regarded as Laksmim. Isn’t success defined as attaining goals? And Laksmim literally means the person who attained the goals)
Jaatavedo= The ritual fire which knows the destination of the intention.
Ma Aavaha= Please invoke for me.
In Vedic knowledge, FIRE( AGNI in Sanskrit ) is regarded as the element which is the messenger.
That was the reason, why YAJNA ( SACRFICE ) is conducted and fire is invoked, to give offerings to the deities via the medium of FIRE ( AGNI ) .
As, AGNI is seen as a messenger/converter.
Even in the stomach, food is given, and there is a force which converts the FOOD to the form in which the body is able to nourish itself.
The force is called FIRE of digestion.
Even in everyday language, it is said that when you have a FIRE in you, you convert the actions and thoughts to the desired outcome.
Additionally, in Vedic knowledge there are 4 constituents of the mind.
The 4 constituents of MIND.
MANAS - > sensory and processing unit of the MIND
CHITTA -> storage of past impressions
BUDDHI-> the intellect to give the discretion
AHAMKARA -> the identity of I.
Emotions are felt in the layer called MANAS. Another layer exists as past impressions and is termed as CHITTA. Another deeper layer is INTELLIGENCE.
And the foundation of the three layers is formed due to the IDENTIFICATION of the entity.
Suppose an animal such as a cow sees grass ,the mind of the cow , which has the layer of MANAS, views the grass with happiness as it is a source of food. The CHITTA portion of the mind can bring up past impressions of it eating the grass happily. The BUDDHI portion of the MIND can signal to the cow to evaluate if the grass is permissible to be eaten. As in this world there even exists plastic grass! The foundation of all these thought processes is formed because the cow sees itself as a cow in its AHAMKARA mind.
The same grass viewed by a HUMAN whose AHAMKARA portion of the mind identifies oneself to be the identity shaped by own gender, language, age, nationality or even time , can have different emotions and past impressions felt in the MANAS and CHITTA portion of the mind sheath. A human’s intellect can cause the discriminatory power to know that the grass has many species, and even identify the specific scientific usage of the grass.
In this CHITTA portion of the mind , which is the reality of impressions, a medium
( FIRE ) is called upon to invoke god for worship too.
In the Lalitha Sahasranamam,which is a very esoteric religious hymn and the most revered prayers to goddess, the goddess is called as “CHID-AGNI KUNDA SAMPOOTHA”. (in Sanskrit).
Meaning:She who manifests in the pedestal whenever the medium of CHIT(awareness portion of mind) calls for HER.Thus God is evoked and remembered in your every awareness: CHIT.
In Sanathana Dharma philosophy, the purpose of life itself is to experience the SAD- CHIT - ANATHAM. SAD means good. CHIT means awareness. Anantham means ecstasy. You have to experience the ecstasy of goodness in life.
Interestingly, religions such as Islam and Judaism which is against idol worship, adores the universal GOD by calling upon the names of GOD and remembrance.
In latest scientific knowledge, it is known that every thought process takes up energy. The energy is created by burning of calories.(FIRE element is involved). In the thoughts, when FIRE of the energy is used to call upon GOD’s names, God is worshipped directly. That is the reason why these religions believe that one can worship god directly without any image, but just by calling upon GOD by remembering GOD’s attributes in the mind itself.Coincidently even in religious practices of Hinduism where imagery plays an important role, prayers are evoked by calling upon the attributes of GOD to enter into their awareness.
In Islam, one of the pillars is having the mandatory 5 salat ( prayer ) in a day.
1.Salat al-fajr: dawn, before sunrise
2.Salat al-zuhr: midday
3.Salat al-'asr: the late part of the afternoon
4.Salat al-maghrib: during/just after sunset
5.Salat al-'isha: between sunset and midnight
Modern scientific discovery has told us that to have a healthy body, one must have a balanced diet at regular intervals. Eating is an activity to provide food that is burned to provide energy for the body. This will ensure a healthy body.
To ensure a healthy mind, remembrance of GOD or anything which is a source of pleasant,vibrant and power in the form of meditation is essential in regular intervals. If not, the mental health of the MIND gets affected.
In summary in an attempt to explain the GOLDEN ratio, inevitably even the GOLDEN rule cropped up….
“You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the great and first commandment. And a second is like it: You shall love your neighbor as yourself. On these two commandments depend all the Law and the Prophets.”
Matthew 22:35-40 [ GOSPEL ]
Just like there is a mysterious ratio that connects the charms of the world, there is a rule that is the foundation of all the laws. This ratio and rule is also known as the GOLDEN RATIO and the GOLDEN RULE respectively.
There is a difference between currency and money.
MONEY has an INTRINSIC VALUE, and it is a store of value.
CURRENCY has no INTRINSIC VALUE on its own, and it is just a medium of exchange.
In 1944, the Bretton Woods Agreement was agreed by 44 allied countries. Re-cap that during this time period, there was still World War II .
World War II officially ended on September 2 1945, when Japanese surrendered. This was after a very tragic occurrence of two nuclear bombs at Japan in August 1945.
In 1944, when World War II was still on-going, 44 allied countries agreed that US Dollars will be the reserve currency. US Dollars was recognized to be a RESERVE currency of the 44 countries ,for the only reason that it was backed by GOLD. Luckily, the Allied powers won World War II and USD continued to be the reserve currency of the world.
The reason why US Dollars was chosen to be the RESERVE currency is due to the fact that the US had the most amount of gold in its Federal Reserve.
How did US Federal Reserve ended up having the most amount of gold?
From 1933 to 1974, a US citizen was not allowed to have gold, unless a special permission was given. All the gold that belonged to the individuals were forcefully given to the Federal Reserve.
Even during 1944, when a US Dollar was held by the global citizens, it was a belief that the dollar note could be redeemed for gold at a later date.
Only in 1975, US citizens were allowed to own and trade gold once again.
But from 1971, US Dollars is no longer backed by any claims of gold.
President Nixon delivered a huge shock ( the NIXON SHOCK ) by ending the dollar convertibility to GOLD.
Henceforth, from August 15 1971, a US DOLLAR is just a paper fiat currency, and it just a trust you have on the US governance.
The Bretton Woods Agreement was broken.
But, two entities that were created by the agreement still continue to exist: International Monetary Fund ( IMF ) and World Bank.
The main reason why the IMF was created was to enforce the Bretton Woods Agreement. IMF was set up to have a reserve of the various currencies and GOLD which could be borrowed by its agreed member countries. However in 1971, the agreement itself was broken.
Ironically, IMF still plays a very crucial role in the current world. It is an elite society. IMF is a form of centralised finance.
Now due to cryptocurrency movement, even ordinary people are able to set their own governance. This is the motivation behind the movement of Decentralied Finance ( DeFi ).
World Bank was created to give out loans to European countries in their war time emergencies. However, currently, World Bank has re-invented itself by helping developing/emerging countries in eradicating poverty. Most importantly, World Bank is not a BANK. It is just another contradiction in the chain of misleading contradictions highlighted previously.
FROM the NIXON SHOCK of 1971, FIAT CURRENCY is the RESERVE CURRENCY with no backing or convertibility to any MONEY.
Now, recall that MONEY and CURRENCY are 2 separate concepts, though they are confused by most people in everyday usage.
In the Latin version of the GENESIS ( which is the common book for three major religions: Judaism, Christanity and Islam), the first sentence is : ‘FIAT LUX’.
Fiat Lux in Latin means Let there be LIGHT.
Fiat is just an order and trust in the government. The very moment that there is no trust in the government that issues the fiat currency, the currency itself is just worthless. The very moment a government issues an order that the currency is worthless, that paper currency is just worthless.
A classic example could be the banana note currency issued during Japanese Occupation in the Malaya Region (in the early 1940s). THe paper currency is worthless after the Japanese surrendered the Malaya Region colony back to the British Empire[Present day Singapore and Malaysia]. However during the Japanese Occupation, having the banana note was very important to secure food supplies. But the moment the Japanese troops left their occupation, the currency was worthless.
An interesting note is that Japanese banana note has no serial number, and it was easy to counterfeit. Any amount of the money could be counterfeited as there is no serial number to control the supply. Eventually it became worthless.
Now, US Dollars has a serial number and it is a currency that is printed readily. There is no curb.
Eventually inflation will set in, when there is more currency existing to chase the same basket of goods and services. Else, the US Dollar itself will become worthless. However as the US government is very strong, it is unlikely that the US Dollar will become worthless. The only thing that will happen is that inflation will set in for sure- more dollars chasing the same basket of goods and services.
Inflation is the silent tax on keeping fiat currency as a storage of value.
Inflation can be viewed as the POLLUTION of a FIAT currency.
Due to inflation, the currency will erode its value over time.This is the dollar value concept of money. The $1 you have now is worth less in the future due to the time interest of money.
Gold is always regarded as a form of money in safeguarding your fiat currency against inflation. There are other precious metals and even cryptocurrencies which exist to be a better money (store of value) than the USD currency.
Many people from developing nations realise that their currency loses its value against the USD currency by speculation and political instability. There are a lot of uncertainties.
There are nations which even have stronger currency than the USD. Currently KUWAIT has the strongest currency in the world. ( 2020 )
Converting the money to a stronger currency than USD can result in a luck of appreciating value in the savings. However, it is not guaranteed that the nation currency will appreciate always. Additionally, the nation’s currency is also backed by the trust of the government. It has no physical commodity to back it. It is just a piece of paper.
Overall, fiat currency itself is very volatile and speculative.
GOLD as a precious metal can be a safe haven. So far in the modern history of the world, GOLD spot price is used as an indicator of risk taking appetite of investors. Investors create a greater demand for GOLD whenever there is uncertainty in the world events.
Cryptocurrencies are emerging to be better alternatives to the fiat currency to be a faster and stable way of acquiring goods and services, wealth protection and even wealth accumulation.
Physical GOLD can literally be used as both currency and money via cryptocurrencies such as PAX GOLD which is fully redeemable/convertible to gold.
ScreenShot of Pax Gold
This is similar to what the original intention of having US Dollars as a reserve currency was intended to fulfill: CONVERTIBILITY TO GOLD.
Going forward, it is much easier to just use a token that is digital and is backed by real commodities. Nobody can ever dictate to hand back the GOLD tokens. The reason being is that such tokens exist as a DECENTRANLISED FINANCE ( DeFI ) where only the users have the say in it.
Many facilities exist in the current world, where cryptocurrencies are able to be spent in everyday life as a form of digital wallet and even physical DEBIT CARD. Therefore, it is very convenient to substitute the US Dollars or any fiat currency with a digital wallet having cryptocurrencies.
If you buy gold and store it in a house, there is always a fear of theft.
You can buy ornamental gold and safely keep it in your house. Such gold is stored in a well-guarded safe under lock and key.
If not, you can store the gold in a gold vault of a bank or a precious metal commercial vault provider. However, there are storage fees.
Buying gold without the hassle of storing it in a commercial vault or bank is the solution to protect the hard earned currency from INFLATION.
One of the most reputable exchange with the lowest buy/sell transaction fee is Binance.
You can buy the PAX GOLD token which is 1:1 backed by GOLD from the exchange.
Registration is 100% free.
By clicking on this link, you will get back 10% of your commission fees. If you are going to register on your own, you have to pay the commission fees 100% when a trade is made to buy or sell. So, please register for the BINANCE FREE ACCOUNT
( 100% free and 100% safe) via this REFERRAL link:
After you had bought the gold at the SPOT RATE as a digitalised asset,store your gold in a digital wallet and earn interest on your gold token.
Sign up for an account at YouHodler.
<ScreenShot:Dec 2020>
The interest rate for PAXG is 8.2 % ( annual rate). Interest payout is given out every 7 days.
In the wallet of YouHodler, you can safely store the digital gold.
If you store it in a commercial vault or even in a house under lock and key, you cannot earn interest.
By storing it in a digital wallet like YouHodler, you are able to earn interest in keeping gold.
Important concept to note is that in order to own a digitalised gold, one has to undergo a stringent Know Your Customer (KYC) process. Therefore, it is a safe and trustworthy platform.
There is no fear of money laundering or illicit activities being promoted via these two internationally renowned platforms. Additionally these platforms store their private keys in COLD STORAGE and have insurance. Therefore there is no fear that these tokens or platforms will do a ‘bank run’ and disappear with your hard earned MONEY.
COLD STORAGE means the private keys’ information is stored in a special physical vault.It is not possible for any hacking to happen easily.
In cryptocurrency lingo, those who have the private keys have access to the cryptocurrency.
In both BINANCE and YOUHODLER, the private key is held with the exchange and wallet respectively. Thus, even if you lose your password or if there was any hacking, the platforms are liable to YOU to restore the password and cryptocurrencies. Thus, there is no risk involved to be worried about.
The only risk is when transferring the assets into the wallet or between wallets, please use the correct address. If not ,the tokens would be lost FOREVER.
Ironically, it is more riskier to place a deposit in a bank as the money belongs to the BANK and not to you. It is not 100% guaranteed that the bank will give the money.
A citizen in a country which is not being favoured by another country, can have the nightmare of their accounts being freezed for no reasons other than for choosing an unstable bank. For example, ordinary citizens of IRAN always have the fear that their bank accounts in any international bank accounts can be freezed due to sanctions.
Bank staff can also misappropriate the funds causing the collapse of the banks.
In fact the very design of the bank is based on the principle that in any one point of time not all the depositors will withdraw their money. Thus the bank using the deposits creates loans; where fiat currency is just created from thin air. The currency created from this process is called FRACTIONAL BANKING CURRENCY.
However cryptocurrencies and asset backed tokens are safer than bank deposits because they are not created from thin air. There are limited supply of the tokens for most of the cryptocurrencies and fully backed up convertible assets such as in the cases of tokenized cryptocurrencies.
Cryptocurrencies use the revolutionary technology called Blockchain, also known as Distributed Ledger Technology(DLT), where the information is always known to everyone. It is not possible to do a fraud entry in block chain technology. The only error could be sending to a wrong wallet address where the money would be lost forever.
Therefore always copy and paste the wallet address correctly.
For asset backed tokens such as PAX GOLD, the token is fully redeemable for actual gold. Currently in most countries, purchasing gold attracts a goods and service tax ( also known as Value-Added Tax), however purchasing digital tokens which backs the real assets does not attract any tax.
Depending on the jurisdiction a capital gain tax can be imposed. However for regions such as Malaysia and Singapore there is no capital gain tax. Whatever gains you have gotten from investing in the gold backed digital token or cryptocurrencies is tax free.
Even for countries which have capital gain tax, such as INDIA, the legislation for imposing capital gains on digital currencies has not started. Thus, it is a very good time to utilize this time period.
USA has already started the legislation to levy capital gain tax on digital backed assets, fortunately at a lower capital gain tax.
By signing up for a FREE BINANCE EXCHANGE account to buy the PAX GOLD
(you can just easily buy the PAX GOLD with 1% credit card fees + very low commission trading fees),then transfer the PAX GOLD from the BINANCE EXCHANGE and store it in YOUHODLER wallet with 2 added benefits:
1.Using Gold as a storage of value.
2.Getting a passive income via interest paid on keeping the gold in a digital wallet.
Why only three golden truths?
(any number)th
Observe that even in the English lexicon, only being the top 3 has a special status of getting : st,nd,rd as a short form.
Subsequently, everything else is just regarded as the standard information which everybody knows.
Thus, there are only 3 golden truths discussed as of now, for they stand out from the standard information which otherwise everyone knows.
*This article is not investment advice. However it is an article to share a new perspective.