1. 7 DATES
Islamic prophet Muhammad has mentioned that , ‘He who eats seven 'Ajwa dates every morning, will not be affected by poison or magic on the day he eats them.’
Hadith - Book of Food, Meals - Sahih al-Bukhari - Sunnah.com - Sayings and Teachings of Prophet Muhammad (صلى الله عليه و سلم)
Prophet himself have told dates are a remedy for black magic. For many black magic is just a figment of imagination, a form of superstitions.
However, in today’s times, black magic can also mean negative energy and toxins.
Nowadays our food chain is contaminated with a lot of bad residues from industrial and artificial farming methods.
It is also widely regarded that Islamic prophet Muhammad used to drink honey with warm water in the morning.
Benjamin Franklin had told that an apple a day keeps the doctor away.
And to the contrary, apple is not the fruit that made Adam and Eve lose the paradise.
Apple in old latin means malus. It can denote both apple or evilness.
In the original Old Testament, Adam and Eve lost their paradise because they ate a forbidden fruit from the tree of knowledge of good and bad, located at the centre of the Garden of Eden.
As per Ayurvedic knowledge, a wonder fruit is Indian Gooseberry : Amalaki . Eating one fruit itself per day is considered very effective to cure any ailments.
It is very sour to eat it. However, when water is drunk to wash it down, it is very sweet. This is how medicine or anything good appears to be: Sour at first, but Sweet in the end.

4. TEA
As per Chinese culture, making Tea itself is considered therapeutic, and the style is termed Gongfu Tea.

Confucius had emphasized tea drinking for the harmony of the 5 elements in one’s body. His teachings as been recorded as “The Analects”. His way of life is said to be a religion of Humanity.
Confucius belief that the purpose of one life is to know the Dao, the Truth. He has mentioned, “He who heard the truth in the morning might die content in the evening.”
Someone who has emphasized knowing the TRUTH a lot has also placed great importance to the ritual of drinking tea.
Drinking tea and reading the Analects will definitely give not only a healthy body but a healthy mind.
For Aztec culture, chocolate is very sacred. Once upon a time, cocoa itself was a currency. Money (currency) literally grew on trees for the ancient Aztec.
For the native Americans, corn is a holy food for them. Corn is native to the Americas. They even worship the CORN as a deity.
And seventhly , in Deutronomy 8: 8 ( holy book of the Judaism religion),
“For the LORD your God is bringing you into a good land, a land of brooks and fountains and springs that flow through the valleys and hills; 8a land of wheat, barley, vines, fig trees, and pomegranates; a land of olive oil and honey; 9a land where you will eat food without scarcity, where you will lack nothing; a land whose rocks are iron and whose hills are ready to be mined for copper.… “
The seventh species of food highly regarded
1. Wheat
2. Barley
3. Grapes
4. Figs
5. Pomegranates
6. Olive Oil
7. Honey
In today’s cosmopolitan times, we should thank god that we are able to have all of them in a single day.