Feather of Truth

One of the music videos that is tear jerking and inspire to take a vow to be the best that one can be is this:

[ Please turn on the subtitles to see the subtitles in English ]
[URL: https://bit.ly/34qY4IL

In many parts of the world, a lot of atrocities are happening. Why are the innocent suffering?

The line that the boy says, ‘If you don’t want to support us, you will be judged’ has etched very deeply in this song.


Every ancient culture has held this belief that there will be a judgement for all. We are here in this Earth for a purpose. We can do whatever we want. However, the actions will be brought for a judgement one fine day.

Therefore, as much as possible do what that will get a good VERDICT.


 In the courtroom of Universe
Judge is the Truth
Prosecution is the Bad Deeds
Defense is the Good Deeds
Judgement is One’ s Reality
For the Eyewitness is the All Present God.

Interestingly the name for the devil is called Satan. The word Satan in Hebrew means accuser.

The evilness in the world tempts us to stray away from the truth so as the eventually accuse us that we do not deserve the eternal consciousness of bliss.

This is what is told in all the major scriptures. Ancient Egyptian culture which has influenced humanity time immemorial has told the same too.

It cannot be denied that the roots of the religions that revere the OLD TESTAMENTS, aspirations of the GREEK/ROMAN civilisation can be found in the ancient EGYPTIAN culture.

Ancient Egypt:

Weighing of the Soul.

The Heart is weighed against the Feather of Truth.

The feather is very light.

In modern courtroom, there is a LADY blindfolded holding two scales.

She is Lady Justice. She is having two scales.

Outside every major courtroom, there is the representation of the Lady. Her roots trace back to the Greek mythology, which indeed got inspiration from the ancient Egyptian culture.

Man-made laws can give punishment to make the heart repent and do a corrective action for a negative action.

The goal of a man-made law is to at least try to make the heart balance to the Feather of Truth in the final judgement.

In today’s situation, many transgressions go unpunished. The powerful who can buy over the modern legal system and are able to walk away free from all their wrong doings. Let it be.

The final judgement waits for them.

If the Heart is heavier to the Feather of Truth, it is told that figurately that it will be fed to an animal. It can also mean subtly that it will be brought to a very low level of consciousness.

If the Heart is lighter and weigh to the Feather of the Truth, the soul is given the verdict of IMMORTAL BLISS.

[ Goddess Maat who judges the soul ]

Reading List:

The Egyptian Bookof the Dead (Penguin Classics) 

Riddle of theExodus: Startling Parallels Between Ancient Jewish Sources and the EgyptianArchaeological Record