The Psychic incident behind the discovery of EEG.

EEG – (Electro- Encephalo -Gram) is an instrumental test to evaluate the electrical activity of the brain.

By attaching electrodes, the electrical pulses of the brain activities are measured. As brain communicates via electrical impulses, the instrument can collect the brain wave patterns based on the electrical voltage. 

Today, it is used for diagnosis of brain activities and validating scientific experiments.

For a person who is in continuous coma, EEG can be used to know if they are brain dead. Other health mental conditions such as epilepsy, impairment, and trauma are diagnosed via EEG.

The brain waves recorded in EEG form a distinctive pattern during different level of consciousness.

Waves are categorized depending on the electrical impulses’ frequency.




1–4 Hz


4–8 Hz


8–13 Hz


more than 13 Hz


Very high (30-40)

Different types of waves can co-exist at the same time.

EEG helps to understand the overall common pattern of the electrical activities happening in the brain, due to external and internal stimuli.

The discovery of the EEG is inspired by a lifesaving and a paranormal incident that occurred to the inventor: Hans Berger.

When he was a university student, he signed up for one year in cavalry. During a training, his horse suddenly reared and he landed onto the path of a horse-drawn cannon. The driver of the horse drawn cannon halted in time, leaving young Berger very shaken up. However, his sister (whom he is very close) felt that he was in danger though she was very far away. She asked her dad to telegram Berger to find out about his safety. Berger himself felt there is a physic energy which made the sister receive his signals. He began studying medicine to research about this psychic energy, that can transmit his distress to his sister without any barriers of distance.

It is very sad that during the Nazi-era, on June 1, 1941, Hans Berger committed suicide in a clinic.

We should really feel gratitude for the efforts of Hans Berger.

He survived from being trampled from a horse, only to end own life due to depression in a very toxic times of NAZI ERA. Wherever his soul is now, he should be remembered for the contribution of EEG instrument.

His work paved the route for other necessary medical diagnostic tools such as positron emission topography (PET) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI).

Reading List :

Entangled Minds:Extrasensory Experiences in a Quantum Reality